Via theme.json or via php
Continue reading “Methods to define a custom template in WordPress for any post type”Add an option to hide the label for fields in WordPress Advanced Custom Fields
Simply add a hide label option to all fields created with ACF.
Continue reading “Add an option to hide the label for fields in WordPress Advanced Custom Fields”Display copyright ‘current year’ in the footer using WordPress full site editing blocks
Create a custom location rule ‘Post Has Parent’ for WordPress Advanced Custom Fields
Create an ACF rule to restrict display of custom fields on the edit page based on whether or not the post has ancestors.
Continue reading “Create a custom location rule ‘Post Has Parent’ for WordPress Advanced Custom Fields”Change WordPress wp-admin ‘Visit site’ URL
When creating a headless or decoupled WordPress you may find that you want to change the Visit site link in the wp-admin bar to your chosen frontend.
Continue reading “Change WordPress wp-admin ‘Visit site’ URL”Change WordPress post preview URLs
When creating a headless or decoupled WordPress you may find that you want to display live previews on your chosen frontend.
Continue reading “Change WordPress post preview URLs”WordPress Advanced Custom Fields Cheatsheet
A quick reference for Advanced Custom Fields for WordPress, to be used to get a project started quickly.
Continue reading “WordPress Advanced Custom Fields Cheatsheet”WordPress get next/previous post URL
This method works for WordPress posts as well as custom post types.
Continue reading “WordPress get next/previous post URL”Disable update notifications for WordPress themes and plugins
There may come a time where a theme or plugin cannot be updated for some reason or another, while it persistently harasses you in WP Admin.
Continue reading “Disable update notifications for WordPress themes and plugins”Add Styles and Scripts to a WordPress child theme
Load WordPress scripts and styles the right way, by adding the following code to functions.php.
Continue reading “Add Styles and Scripts to a WordPress child theme”