Dynamic routing, navigation and page title with Vue

How to create a reusable header component, containing a dynamic page title and sub-menu.

The problem this article addresses

Say you have a site structure containing multiple pages, each with common information and management requirements. Take the structure shown below for example.


Home (/)
+-- Users (/users)
+-- +-- Index (/)
+-- +-- Single (/:id)
+-- +-- Create (/create)
+-- +-- Update (/:id/update)
+-- Organisations (/organisations)
+-- +-- Index (/)
+-- +-- Single (/:id)
+-- +-- Create (/create)
+-- +-- Update (/:id/update)
+-- Etc.

I want a reusable header component that can be used for users and organisations, it needs to:

  • dynamically fill the page title (sometimes including the record ID)
  • dynamically generate a sub-menu of actions (such as CRUD)
The format of my reusable header component.

The image above show where the dynamic parts change based on the currently viewed route.

Dynamic component content method

Note: The vue-router is required for this solution.

This approach stores relevant data inside its route, which is cleaner and makes more sense than using emit or the vuex state.

The route

This is the users route, however the organisations route will use the same approach. Pay special attention to the use of ‘meta’, which is where the magic happens:

// FILENAME: '@/routes/users.js'

// import your components here

export default {
  path: '/users',
  component: Layout,
  meta: {
    // Navigation used in the header
    nav: [
        id: 0,
        text: 'View All',
        target: '/users',
        icon: 'fas fa-list-ul'
      }, {
        id: 1,
        text: 'Create New',
        target: '/users/create',
        icon: 'fas fa-edit'
  children: [
      path: '',
      name: 'UserIndex',
      component: Index,
      meta: {
        title: 'All Users'
    }, {
      path: 'create',
      name: 'UserCreate',
      component: Form,
      meta: {
        title: 'Create User'
    }, {
      path: 'volunteers',
      name: 'VolunteerIndex',
      component: Volunteers,
      meta: {
        title: 'Volunteers'
    }, {
      path: ':id/update',
      name: 'UserUpdate',
      component: Form,
      meta: {
        title: 'Updating User: ' // ID will be appended using $router.To
    }, {
      path: ':id',
      name: 'UserSingle',
      component: Single,
      meta: {
        title: 'User: '
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The root layout for users:

// FILENAME: '@/pages/layout.vue'

<template lang='pug'>


import Header from '@/components/Header'

export default {
  components: {
    'v-header': Header
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

The reusable header component:

// FILENAME: '@/components/Header.vue'

<template lang='pug'>
        h1 {{ title }}
          nav(id='page-nav' v-if='nav')
              li(v-for="item in nav" class="nav-link")
                router-link(:key="item.id" :to="`${item.target}`")
                  span {{ item.text }}


export default {
  computed: {
    title: function () {
      return this.$route.meta.title + (this.$route.params.id ? this.$route.params.id : '')
    nav: function () {
      return this.$route.matched[0].meta.nav
</script>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)


We’ve created a reusable header, containing a dynamic title and navigation to child pages, which is then added to the root page layout of each model.

Bonus: this might also be used to create dynamic breadcrumbs, which is something I plan to explore in the future.

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