Adding this is very easy when you make use of the NextJS router events and the NProgress package.
Install nprogress.
Add the following code to your root NextJS application (feel free to remove the ApolloProvider code).
Make sure to import the nprogress css, otherwise there won’t be any styles.
This works by attaching nprogress events to the NextJS router events.
// FILENAME: ./pages/_app.js
import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/client";
import Router from "next/router";
import NProgress from "nprogress";
import "nprogress/nprogress.css";
import "../src/styles/index.scss";
import client from "../src/apollo/client";
NProgress.configure({ minimum: 0.1 });
NProgress.configure({ trickleRate: 0.1, trickleSpeed: 400 });"routeChangeStart", () => NProgress.start());"routeChangeComplete", () => NProgress.done());"routeChangeError", () => NProgress.done());
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
Add some of your own styles
Such as color, position, and size.
#nprogress {
.bar {
background: #ffffff !important;
height: 3px;
// blur effect
.peg {
box-shadow: 0 0 10px #ffffff, 0 0 5px #ffffff;
.spinner {
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
.spinner-icon {
border-top-color: #ffffff;
border-left-color: #ffffff;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
z-index: 2;
Code language: PHP (php)