An easy to follow guide to setup ruTorrent, with a Docker container on a Synology NAS.
- Docker is installed
- SSH is enabled (don’t worry I explain how to later)
Why ruTorrent, not Deluge
I tested both, and while Deluge has some nice features, it lacks some out of the box features I rely on, most notably search of torrents in the queue.
Before getting started with Docker let’s get some things prepared.
Create a docker user
- Control Panel -> User -> Create
- Username = docker
- Groups = users
No admin access - Assign read and write permissions
docker, <your download share> - Deny all application permissions
These are not needed
Find your PUID and PGID
To grant our Docker container the necessary permissions you will soon need your Personal User ID (PUID) and Personal Group ID (PGID). SSH to your Synology Diskstation to find the ID’s and make note of them for later:
# Look for docker:x:y - where x = PUID and y = GUID
$ cut -d: -f1,3,4 /etc/passwd
Code language: PHP (php)
The Docker container will require the permission of a user account that can access target file shares. This is done by associating the correct Personal User ID and Personal Group ID with the container.
Docker container
Connect to your Synology and run Docker.
Download from Registry
- Navigate to ‘Registry’ from the Docker side menu.
This is where your can download popular Docker containers, developed and maintained by one group or another. My preference is always the container by the ‘linuxserver’ team. They generally have good documentation and maintenance, as well as support via the forums. - Search for ‘ruTorrent’.
- Download the ‘linuxserver’ offering of the latest version.
Latest version ensures the container can update to newly released versions. - Select
Docker container setup
Navigate to ‘Image’ from the Docker side menu and launch the ruTorrent image that you downloaded. Open Advanced Settings:
Enable auto-restart
Add two volumes: (you need to create these first in their relevant shares):
- File/Folder: docker/rutorrent-1 | Mount path: /config
- File/Folder: Downloads/rutorrent-1 | Mount path: /downloads
Add ports:
Where container port is 80, define a port for the local port. This will be be how you connect http://<NAS IP>:<local port>
Add Environment variables: (from TZ upward)
Recall the PUID and GUID that you obtained earlier.
The docker config lives in your docker shared folder, and the downloads will live in your Downloads shared folder.
You can connect to the ruTorrent client via a web browser:
Torrents in the watched directory aren’t being loaded automatically. To fix this, SSH to your Synology NAS and edit the rtorrent.rc file.
# make sure to navigate to the root docker folder
$ cd volume1/docker/rutorrent-1/
# Edit the rtorrent.rc file
$ vi rtorrent/rtorrent.rc
Code language: PHP (php)
Remove the # in front of schedule to enable the line. Save the changes by typing ‘:wq’ and press enter.